2022 Client Survey Insights
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Develop your Employees through our Highly Impactful Webinars at Fingertips
[Talent Academy CSR - Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Secondary School Students for Job Shadowing]
Hong Kong Living Magazine July Edition "5 Minute Interview with our Founder - Matchy Ma"
商業電台訪問: 線上培訓
[Our First Delivery of Train-The-Virtual-Trainer Program on Webex]
Talent Academy Debuts Bite-size "COVID-19 & Training Profession" Video Series. Watch & Get Inspired.
Let's Start Anew in the Year of the Ox
Join our TTVT March Intake & Alumni Group - Connect with Like-Minded Training Professionals to Grow
Driving Positive Changes in the Communities. CSR is in Talent Academy's DNA.
Every Christmas is Merrier because You're Always With Us.
Conquer the Unknowns as a Self-Proclaimed Princess – A Life Changing Experience
Talent Academy 的首個公開研討會 「卓越表現系列~與世界級運動員真情對話.剖析成功路上致勝的心裡秘密」
[New Talent Joining Talent Academy Team]
Welcome Aboard, our Newly Joined Professional Team Members!
[When Technology meets Learning, it makes Learning Stick ]
Interactive Seminars to Boost the Self-Confidence of Secondary School Students
MetroPop 文章分享 [2018讓自己成為IphoneX]
[Building Resilence Through Character Strengths for UST Students]
[ Hong Kong Retail Management Association Service & Courtesy Award ]