2 FAQs about Strengths-Development Program In a strengths-based coaching program for managers, a common inquiry arises: “How does strengths-based coaching differ from traditional...
優勢發展專欄(五)四大天賦族群一囗才影響族擁有於這族的天赋,是善於表達,勇於承擔和領導的一羣。在工作中,如果只有點子,沒有人推銷;只有計劃,而沒有行動,一切都是原地踏步,相反這族的天賦能夠讓我們影響更多的人,有更多的動力作出行動,現在就看看這一族的天賦包括什麼。 起動行動 (Activator) -...
優勢發展專欄(四)四大天賦一從心一族在工作中你曾遇到一些辣手問題,只要三Sam哥、Mary姐出馬,就會立即處理妥當,只因Sam人緣好,從reception小姐、茶水房阿姐,以致CEO 都非常Like 佢; 而Mary姐則出名是識做人,看懂眉頭眼額,睇清風頭火勢,還在適當的時候做適當的事。...
優勢發展專欄(三)四大天賦族群一快手快腳族上文跟讀者分享了食腦一族的天賦特質,有點子是工作中重要的一環,而能把一個點子,化成計劃和行動,再轉為成果,則需要高度的執行力,一些人天生極具執行力,筆者稱之為「快手快腳」族(Executing) ,這一族在職場中極為重要,試想想工作中老闆最想看見是甚麼?工作成果...
Weaknesses Confine Yourself. Strengths Unlock Your Potential.Martin Seligman, an esteemed psychologist, revolutionized our views towards psychology by promoting a whole new branch of study named...
[When Different Talents Mix & Match Together]We are pleased to work with the top management team of one of the world's most valuable luxury fashion brands to unleash their team's...
Unleash Team's Potential through Strengths-based Team Building EventHave you ever used your non-dominant hand to write your own name? If not, try it right now and count the time! How is it different from...
Don't Undermine Your Strengths“There can be no life without change, and to be afraid of what is different or unfamiliar is to be afraid of life.” --- Theodore...
Our New Flagship Program – The Strengths-based Development Program“What leaders have in common is that each really knows their strengths, has developed their strengths, and can call on the right strength...
[Building Resilence Through Character Strengths for UST Students]"You have to ‘be’ before you can ‘do,’ and ‘do’ before you can ‘have.’” - Zig Ziglar What is ‘Resilience’? Resilience in positive...