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Coach with GROW, Coach for Growth

As a manager, you tell people how to achieve the goals. As a coach, you ask people to think about how to achieve the goals.

Talent Academy has recently cooperated with a corporate champion world-wide in food and beverage industry and launched the ‘Coaching for Performance and Development’ program to the whole management line ranging from operational managers (OM), district managers (DM) and even to over 150 store managers (SM). The concept and skills of coaching have been deeply instilled in the organization and undoubtedly changed their management culture in a way which they have never thought of.

We have started from the top: the OM. They were taught everything about coaching and even given the chances to have 1-on-1 coaching sessions with our professional coach, Matchy Ma and Christopher Lee, two of the only four certified coaches in Asia under the sixth version of the Coaching U. DM were the one followed closely after the OM and they were given the same opportunities to learn and reflect. The last one was the SM and they were invited to join a 1.5-day coaching workshop. All of them have not only learnt and mastered such essential concepts in coaching as GROW model, contextual listening and effective questioning, but also they were encouraged to practice their coaching skills in the store frequently and carefully designed follow-up actions were offered by our program after the workshop.

With their success in practising coaching, a celebration event was then held for all the OM and DM to recognize their efforts and let them share their experience, learning and most vitally, the outcome they have achieved by using coaching. It was found out in the event that coaching indeed has changed their culture a lot and they really appreciate that they have the chances to learn such an indispensable skill in the business world nowadays.

Congratulations to all the managers and thank you very much for your effort! Quality input will always give quality output.

We wish you all even brighter future with the success in using coaching.

Remember! With coaching, IT IS POSSIBLE.

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