“Everybody needs a coach. Every famous athlete, every famous performer has somebody who is a coach – somebody who can say, ‘Is that what you really meant?’ and give them perspective...” - Eric Schmidt, CEO Google
To become a successful leader, coaching would be one of the essential skills to drive employee engagement and performance. Our Coaching for Success program aims at equipping the managers with positive mindset and core coaching skills through a range of practical tools. We also invite world class elite athletes to testify the incredible power of coaching. Through their inspiring stories, participants learn about how coaching have been helping these elite athletes reach their full potentials and bring their performance to the peak level, which may not have been possible if left to their own endeavors.
In a recent program, we invited Mr. Kyle Choi, the Hong Kong Cycling Representative in 2012 London Olympic and the World Champion in cycling, to share how coaching has been helping him overcome obstacles and defy the odds to achieve gold-medal success. To make the learning exciting and practical, participants had a chance to design and practice their questioning skills with Kyle, which are essential when conducting effective coaching conversation.
To find out more about our coaching programs, please contact us via info@talentacademy.com.hk

p.s. Eric Schmidt Video (Coaching Advice)