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"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.


Bruce Lee


Unleashing Persona Power

Leverage the right assessment tools in selection and development



For many years, successful organizations have relied upon a tool called "DISC" to help identify the behavioral types in an organization. DISC describes the four basic elements of human behavior: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance. 


The basis for DISC began as early as 400BC, when Hippocrates observed clear and consistent similarities and differences in the way people interact. We still rely upon observable behavior to better understand and enhance our relationships.


DISC has a universal language all its own, which explains behavior and emotions. DISC is based on factors that transcend gender, race, and culture, but the four major components can easily be explained. All people exhibit these behavioral characteristics to one degree or another, regardless of their background and experience.


DISC is a simple and great tool for professional, leadership, and team development. 

Facet 5

Facet5 is one of the most modern and advanced measures of personality available today. Used by organisations and consultancies worldwide, Facet5 harnesses the power of personality, supporting individuals, teams and businesses to realise their full potential. Facet5 provides a simple model and a common language to explain how people differ in their behaviour, motivation and attitudes, and more importantly, what can be achieved.

Facet5 was developed in response to client demand for speedy, practical information to assist with decision making at each stage of an employees’ journey through an organisation. Available in over 30 different languages, Facet5 is jargon-free, and web-based for easy access all over the world. A wide range of country and industry norm groups makes meaningful comparisons simple. Facet5 works with organisations to design and implement solutions that solve not only business problems but harness opportunities and realise potential.

Facet5 is easily and effectively applied across the entire employee lifecycle. From selection through to separation and exit, Facet5 engages the individual, the leader and organisation with a range of comprehensive insights. Whether building a team, integrating a new hire or looking at organisational culture, Facet5 works with individuals, teams and organisations to realise their full potential.

Facet 5

Workplace Big 5

The WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ 4.0 personality assessment is based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Busy professionals can easily complete the 107 questions online in about 10-15 minutes. WorkPlace reports use graphs and neutral, work-centric language that provide a clear picture to participants.


The assessment will reveal an individual’s 5 personality supertraits and 23 subtraits that simply and clearly explain work-related behaviors found in day-to-day encounters with co-workers, employees, managers, and colleagues. It is a well-researched assessment tool for executive and team development. 


For job selection process, unlike many commercially well-known assessments, WorkPlace is a normative test suitable for job selection. The WorkPlace coefficient alpha of .83 is among the highest of all assessments and in compliance with International Test Commission standards. And, it can be used to establish predictive validity across a variety of jobs.


Big 5


The MBTI® instrument is a forced choice, self-report, personality questionnaire used to measure and describe people's preferences for taking in information, making decisions and orienting their lives. It is based on Carl Jung's theory of perception and judgment and classifies people into 16 broad personality Types. The MBTI® instrument provides a simple way of seeing how people are alike and how they differ. You are invited to celebrate your own gifts then value and respect others for the different gifts they bring to life and work.


The MBTI® instrument helps determine an individual's preferences on four dichotomies. A person either prefers :


• Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or on your own inner world? This is called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I).


• Information: Do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to interpret and add meaning? This is called Sensing (S) or Intuition (N).


• Decisions: When making decisions, do you prefer to first look at logic and consistency or first look at the people and special circumstances? This is called Thinking (T) or Feeling (F).


• Structure: In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).


The various combinations of these preferences result in 16 personality "Types", each associated with a unique set of behavioural characteristics and values, which provide an excellent starting point for leadership and team development.


Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 3.0 

The ability to express and control our emotions is essential, but so is our ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. Imagine a world where you could not understand when a co-worker was feeling sad or when a customer was angry. Psychologists refer to this ability as emotional intelligence, and some experts even suggest that it can be more important than IQ. 


The “Emotional intelligence 3.0” program aims at enhancing participants’ ability to identify, use, understand, and manage own emotions in positive and constructive ways, which, in turn, help them to build strong relationships, succeed at work, and achieve their goals. 

Our consultants are 6 Seconds Certified EQ Practitioners who can design and deliver Emotional Intelligence program to your employees. 



EQ 3.0

Virture in Action (VIA) Survey of Character Strengths

The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a simple self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. Most personality tests focus on negative and neutral traits, but the VIA Survey focuses on your best qualities.

Created under the direction of Dr. Martin Seligman, the "father of Positive Psychology" and author of Authentic Happiness and Flourish, and Dr. Christopher Peterson, distinguished scientist at the University of Michigan and author of A Primer in Positive Psychology, and validated by Robert McGrath, Ph.D., the VIA Survey is regarded as a central tool of positive psychology and has been used in hundreds of research studies and taken by over 3 million people in over 190 countries resulting in better workplaces... schools... teams...LIVES the world over.


Team Management System (TMS)

Understanding work preferences is a critical component in developing individual, team and organizational performance. Team Management Systems' Team Management Profile Questionnaire is a 60-item assessment focused on enhancing understanding of an individual's approaches to work.


Based on responses to the profile questionnaire, the personal Team Management Profile provides constructive, work-based information outlining an individual's work preferences and the strengths that an individual brings to a team.


Work preferences are explored in terms of:


  • How an individual prefers to relate to others

  • How an individual gathers and uses information

  • How an individual makes decisions

  • How an individual organizes themselves and others

The personal Team Management Profile highlights an individual's major and related areas of work preferences, including information focused on:


  • Individual and leadership strengths

  • Decision-making

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Teambuilding

....essential information for developing individuals and teams. 


Belbin Team Roles

After many years of research into team behaviour and performance in the workplace, Belbin identified nine key types of behaviour.  We call these the nine Team Roles.  Each successful team had one of each of the nine Team Role behaviours present.  This does not mean that each team needs to have nine people in it, since individuals can perform more than one Team Role.

Belbin produce personalised behavioural reports for both individuals and teams.  These reports identify which combination of the nine Team Roles individuals prefer to adopt, and pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses.


Strengthsfinder 2.0

 Strengthsfinder 2.0 as created under the leadership of educational psychologist donald clifton, who wanted to identify what the best of the best were doing, and capitalize on it. 


The gallup organization, widely known for its polls and employee selection research developed numerous semi-structured interviews to identify talent that could be enhanced and used to pursue positive outcomes in work. In the 1990s, under the leadership of donald o. Clifton, gallup developed the strengthsfinder as an objective measure of personal talent that could be administered online in less than one hour.

The Strengthsfinder helps identify areas where you have the greatest potential for building strength. It is measuring your recurring thought, feeling, and behaviour. Knowing this information is a starting point, and where we come along side individuals, teams and organizations to help leverage leaders talent, and turn it into sustainable strength. 

“Matchy is a gem and a true differentiator who had made the whole learning enjoyable and practical! We look forward to partnering with Talent Academy and him in bringing the best to Manulife!"


Selina Ko

Chief Human Resources Officer

Manulife (International) Limited

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