High Impact High Touch
Building High Engaging & Performing Team
Individual & Team Breakthrough for Higher Performance
In our Signature Team Program - “Breakthrough & Collaborate as ONE”, participants will be divided into small groups to overcome a series of team challenges within a short period of time. The team will be challenged on how well they plan and co-ordinate, how effective they communicate and collaborate, and how efficient they execute and achieve team results.
The Team Challenges include the following:
• Physical Challenges – test the team members’ strength and endurance
• Mental Challenges – test the team’s intelligence and abilities
• Mystery – test the team’s creativity and flexibility
Apart from the team challenge, each individual will have the opportunity to reflect and write down the barriers and challenges to breakthrough in their work. Each individual is challenge to come up with a well-designed breakthrough activity that brings an important learning anchor.
One of the programme highlight is the presence of an Elite Hong Kong Athlete who will share his/her life story of overcoming obstacles in reaching peak performance.
For more information, please

Wood Breaking Demo
Former Hong Kong Karate Athlete: Anthony Lee
Highway to Career Success E=MC2
Career forms one crucial part in one’s life. Your satisfaction in career will directly impact on your life satisfaction. How can you get on the career highway and reach your career dreams and goals that align with the organizational and personal direction?
This interactive seminar is going to uncover the secret formula of a successful career “E = MC2”.
Target Participants: Employees from all levels
For more information, please contact us.
Connect & Show AS ONE
From Design, Sewing to Fashion Show
The final team mission is to “Connect & Show as One” by performing a high quality, creative and talented Fashion Show – Project Runway.
The team challenge for the day is to create a stylish and innovative look based on the client needs, corporate requirements, resources, …and translate it down to the runway.
The participants will be divided into small groups and participate in a series of challenges to learn new skills and know-hows, as well as joining mini-activities to win tokens for resources. The small group members will be assigned different roles to perform throughout the process, from understanding client needs, sketching and designing to producing and performing.
The team will experience the synergy in action and the essence of being agile and curious.
When each team’s composition and masterpieces are brought together, it will act as a live metaphor to show the power of working and winning together as ONE team.
Participants will leave the programme feeling empowered and engaged.
Duration: 1-day
Venue: Indoor
For more information, please

From Design, Sewing To Fashion Show
Highway to Career Success E=MC2
Career forms one crucial part in one’s life. Your satisfaction in career will directly impact on your life satisfaction. How can you get on the career highway and reach your career dreams and goals that align with the organizational and personal direction?
This interactive seminar is going to uncover the secret formula of a successful career “E = MC2”.
Target Participants: Employees from all levels
For more information, please contact us.
Grow & Change as ONE
From Cocoon to Butterfly
How does a cocoon turn into a butterfly? Likewise, how does a team turn into an agile and adaptive team?
For any teams to grow, they need to embrace changes collectively. Yet people doesn’t like changes as changes will bring uncertinty and unknown. It is our human nature to stay in the comfort zone.
In our experential team development programme “Change & Grow as ONE”, the teams will understand and experience the following:
• Psychological Side of Changes – how human being react to changes
• Business Side of Changes – the driving forces for changes at workplace
• Change & Grow as ONE – experience and build up the confidence in facing changes
• Champoining Changes – master the mindset and tools in embracing changes in a positive manner
This is a high impact and experiential program which participants will leave the program with the empowering mindset and tools in embracing changes as ONE team positively.
For more information about the program, please

From Cocoon to Butterfly

It was an awesome experience to have partnershp with Talent Academy Limited on our signature company program - Vision MIssion Values . Our Management team is highly impressed by the professionalism offered by Matchy Ma during whole journey. Matchy spent time to understand our needs and tallor-make solutions to achieve positve outcoems. I would recommend Talent Academy to anyone who is looking for a synergistic group of people with high level of expertise and expeirences.
Ms Cherry Yan, Human Resources Manager
Peak Tramways Company Limited