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Senor Partner / Executive Coach / Facilitator / Trainer 

Aalok Gupta

Aalok Gupta is a growth strategist, thought leader and global keynote speaker on Business & Human Resources (HR), a fanatic who is driven to unravel the hidden potential of Human Capital. Through his compelling speeches, provocative workshops and valuable consulting, Aalok demonstrates how People are the greatest off-balance-sheet as- set any organization possesses, large or small, public or private. 


Aalok is a popular speaker and delivers over 30 global keynotes a year explaining strategies to unravel the hidden potential of Human Capital, and the art and science of investing in them. 


Aalok has worked with multi-cultural teams by:• COACHING & Training over 64 Nationalities• TRANSFORMING over 14 Business Units• DEVELOPING over 25,000 People.  As a Leader, Aalok has lead Multi-National teams in 21 Countries and across 11 roles in diverse industries. 


As a Coach & Facilitator, he has worked with Leaders at all levels of Management, which include CEOs/ MDs & even new Leaders. As the Head of HR Development at HSBC, he has lead the design, development & delivery of 1000s of programs for 100s of 1000s of Executives spread across the world. 

Aalok has gained the professional designations as below:

  • A former Banker & HRD Head. He led Businesses for fifteen years (with MNCs like American Express) before he transitioned into Human Resources Development (HRD) as the Asia Pacific Head (for HSBC) over the next decade. This unique experience gives him the commercial depth to understand STRATEGIES & the HR tools to translate them into people SOLUTIONS. 

  • As a Practitioner, Aalok is a certified Executive Coach, C-Suite Facilitator, Business Strategist & Keynote Speaker. 

  • Aalok has successfully reinvented himself 5 times as a:

1. HOTELIER, learned the value of Relationships

2. CONSULTANT, optimized costs for Enterprises

3. BANKER, provided Companies financing solutions

4. HR-PRO, mastered the Hu-man Potential Science 

5. COACH/ SPEAKER, enables Business and People to Transform 



Aalok is a native of India, he came to the Hong Kong as the Head of HR for HSBC and served the APAC region for a decade in 3 different capacities. Before that he lead businesses for 15 years as a Banker, Hotelier & Consultant. He has also lived in Singapore for 7 years and completed his Master’s in International Business Administration and a Bachelor of Technology. 


In addition to his speaking, coaching and consulting, Aalok has inspired teachers & students at the HKU, CityU, PoluU, CUHK and HKUST. He serves as the lead in- dependent director on the board of 3 privately held firms. Aalok is involved with the development of young Talent through Junior Achievement, Vocational Training and Ethnic Minorities. 


Aalok is an agnostic of products & preconceived solutions & adapts to your business needs before recommending any solution. He is also dedicated towards helping businesses & individuals thrive by empowering them with tools, techniques & frameworks.

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